Senin, 26 Juni 2017

A Little Chit-Chat with Mom

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During Eid Fitr holiday, I’m a less busy than the ordinary day. Sure, probably some of you know that I’m doing part-time job and study in college at the same time. Usually, I had a class at morning until afternoon, then went to office until late night. Around 22.00-24.00 p.m, I went home, feeling pretty wasted. On holiday, I sleep more than usually, and I feel the joy on it. It’s like a freedoom. I mean, temporary freedoom because within few days, I’ve go to work and college again. Damn.
            I wrote this on second day of Eid Fitr (26th June, 2017). I’ve just re-watched Legally Blonde movie (for the 3 or 4 times, I guess) and feeling confused because I don’t know what to do. So, I went to TV Room, and met my mother, watching  a movie. Then, the conversation begin...

Jumat, 16 Juni 2017

Having Kid(s): Logical Reasons, Clueless or Social Pressure?

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I met my highschool friend, few days ago. She was born in July 1995, a year older than me. She already have her second child, who was born in April 2017. Her first child born in 2015. If you followed my Instagram account, then you will know who she is. Alright, we were not see each other since 2015 (when I came to her house to see her baby), and we arranged to meet in a mall in North Surabaya. Not far from her mother-in law house and our highschool.
So, things going on very well. She told me about her life: marriage, kids, husband, job and et cetera. But, I actually have a some kind of secret mission (okay, this is not a secret anymore, haha). My mission is: to find out why she decided to having children. I mean, people having children with purpose, right? It must be any logical reason why people produce more and more babies in the world.
“So... You already have two kids. Are you planning to have another one?” I asked.
“I don’t know, maybe when my daughters getting into elementary school,” she answered.

Rabu, 14 Juni 2017


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I argued with my friend (no need to mention the name for his privacy) last morning. But I really need to write about it, because the topic is really important to discuss. So I want to make sure everything is clear. This is not about the judgement about him as a person (trying to avoid ad hominem here), but about the way he think and see something. I don't want to ruin my friendship because friendship is above everything (unless it about crime or something, nah it's different cases). Above all, we're already mature, right? No matter how hard the debate is not going to affect me. I'm grown up woman.
You are still my friend, bruh. After all this storm, I hope it doesn't impact us.
So.. Here we go. It started from him first. He made an Instastory on his Instagram. It's about comparation between a girl he called slut (in implicit way) with a fried chicken with price ten thousands rupiah. He said, how cheap the girl (from the way she dressed) and even the food (with price IDR 10.000) is more expensive than her. I'm shocked about his judgemental opinion.
And then I said, "I hope you are talking about food, not about slut shaming,"
He replied, "My opinion was the second one" (with laugh emoji)
"Please don't do that" I said.

Minggu, 04 Juni 2017

Lunch di Lumer Cafe Klampis, Surabaya

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Lumer Cafe!
Sebenarnya, aku sudah ke Lumer Cafe beberapa kali. Pertama, saat diajak anak-anak PK AMERTA 2016 (huwaaaaaaa...kangen!!!) di Lumer Ngagel, dan yang kedua sama Esti dan Shella di Lumer Klampis. First impression sudah sangat bagus, karena makanannya enak dan harganya murah banget! Dan kali ini, tanggal 11 Januari 2017 (eh..jadi inget lagu) aku datang sendirian. Bawa DSLR milik temanku juga, memang sengaja buat nambah stock foto haha.

Sabtu, 03 Juni 2017

Kulineran di Cailano Cafe Surabaya

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Halo, jadi ini adalah artikel lanjutan setelah kulineran di Art Date Cafe, 6 Januari 2017. Karena kami (aku dan Annisatul) masih lapar, jadi kami menuju ke cafe lain. Namanya Cailano Cafe, spesialis Kopi dan Shao Kao. Aku dapat rekomendasi cafe ini (kalo gak salah) dari Ellen, temanku dari User Loyal Foody Surabaya. Bukan tanpa alasan aku kemari, tempatnya bagus banget. Letaknya ada di ruko-ruko sekitaran Klampis. Nggak jauh dari Lumer, Platter, atau DeMandailing Klampis.
Cailano Cafe

Kulineran di Art Date Cafe Surabaya

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Ini kunjungan keduaku di Art Date Cafe Surabaya. Waktu pertama kali kemari kira-kira sekitar bulan Juni 2016. Nah, kunjungan kedua ini terjadi pada bulan Januari 2017. Cukup istimewa, karena sobatku, Annisatul Fauziah, menemaniku. Kebetulan dia lagi liburan di Surabaya (selama ini dia ada di IPDN Jatinangor, Sumedang), maka aku wajib hangout dengannya. Jarang-jarang dia pulang, setahun hanya beberapa kali.
Selamat datang!

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